Welcome To D'Real Care Services​

Healthcare Staffing Made Easy​

With D’Real Care Services, you’re always one step ahead in healthcare staffing. When you need to find or provide temporary or permanent healthcare personnel, we’re here to make it easy.

About Us

An Effective Solution For A Tough Industry

Hiring healthcare professionals is one of the toughest challenges any residential home faces. It’s complicated, time-consuming and expensive. This is where D’Real Care Services comes in – we have the solutions to all your healthcare staffing needs!

D’Real Care Services can provide you with qualified and competent personnel – on demand! We’ll even help with all the paperwork that’s required to get them through your hiring process quickly so that they can start helping you right away.

Why Our Clients Love Us

What We Offer

Quality You Can Trust

D’Real Care Services only hires competent, highly-qualified and professional healthcare personnel who undergo rigorous background checks, testing and training before placement.

Flexible Staffing Solutions

We provide adequate staffing needs for some of the world’s leading healthcare institutions, including hospitals and clinics. Our professionals can work in any department you need them to – including Intensive Care Units!

Total Dedication & Commitment

We are dedicated to providing our clients not only with qualified staff but also the necessary support, such as training, supervision and management.

What We Do

Welcome to Our Counselling

What We Do

What Type of Counselling 
are You Looking for?

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Couple Counselling​

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Depression Treatment

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Stress Issues

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Family Psychology

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We've Got You Covered

Make your healthcare staffing worries go away

We offer a full range of staffing services, from temporary to permanent, to help you find the right person for the job.

No-risk, low-cost solution

Safety and peace of mind are our priority. We perform a thorough background check on all new hires, and can provide drug testing, malpractice insurance, and on-site training as needed.

Supporting your needs Round The Clock

No matter what your healthcare needs are – from Doctors, Nurses or other staff – we have the perfect personnel for you!

Best in industry service

We have over 40 years of experience matching the right people with the right jobs. We are committed to providing our clients with industry-leading service, highest quality and compliance with all laws.





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