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Continued Professional Development

Training & Development

D’Real Care Services believes Training and Development is key to maintaining its high level of standards.

Achieving continuing professional development is important because it ensures our members stay up to date with the latest changes. This can partly be done online and partly through practical training. Doing this will make sure you are never out-dated or obsolete, continuously upskilling yourself in order to keep up with the latest advancements.

We regularly hold Practical CPR and Moving & Handling classes at our office. This training is provided free of charge to all of our members, which means they have the opportunity to learn and enhance their skills on a yearly basis.

As one of the most credible sources of your training needs, we can provide you with easy access to our highly respected on-line courses. Each course is designed to help you develop and update your skills. This access is provided free of charge to our members and applicants.



Nurse NMC Revalidation

One of our requirements is for our Nurses to show evidence of professional development over a three-year period, with at least 40 hours.The CPD we provide also counts towards this.

As part of our commitment to providing the best possible care for our patients, we provide all of our Registered Nurses with opportunities to attend Clinical Supervision (twice a year) and Appraisal (once a year) with one of our senior members of staff.

Join Us

There are currently openings on the team — want to be a part of it? Apply with us!

Our team is always looking for new members to join. We are a small team of talented professionals. We’re working to become the best healthcare staffing solution in the UK by providing top quality services to our clients.

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